Sunday, August 15, 2010

Here we go again. . .

Hi, I am Michelle and welcome to my page.  From the title of the page, this is a retrospective of my days and my thoughts, but mostly it about about food.  More like a food diary with some pictures, some recipes and whatever.

More than a year ago, when I wasn't working, I went on a fitness and heath journey by going to yoga classes, joining the gym and cooking for myself.  Then, after about 5 months, I got a job.  No, not all my activities have ceased, I still go to the gym and lost 5 kilos since I'd rejoined the rat race. In fact, I think I have become more mindful about the food I consumed.

Living and eating in Thailand, where street food is ubiquitous,it's difficult to ignore the tasty fare.  Since I have been on this fitness and wellness journey, I'd been keeping a log of everything I ate. An idea came into my mind - why not keep a photo diary of the food you eat! Yeah!

So here it is - my everyday food, with some recipes and my own kitchen adventure.  I am not a cook but I do love to eat. Enjoy!

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