Saturday, September 18, 2010

Journey to Whatever

This week had been a very busy week and also a very surprising week.

First of all, I have a new nephew via my cousin J. And this is fifth child and second son.   This came as a surprise to me because I didn't even know that P was pregnant.

That was the surprise close to home.  The other surprises were that my niece and nephew over the seas got married.  Little D, the one I meet like twenty years ago, got married.  Then MR, who I don't know but I know his father, also got married. 

I got off on a sick day this week - a real sick day.  I got conjunctivitis- how- I really don't know.  So I drove into the sideline but got deeper and deeper into nowhere, because I decide to delete something, two more nonsense and unnecessary pests pop up.  Now, I really have to be steadfast and buckle down to this journey on the sideline so I could get to my destination.

Work is good. Just like in Goldilocks and the baby's bear bed - I have to wake up before I get caught by the bears coming home.  I am okay just as long as I am careful and do all the tasks at hand.  I just have to start reaping the harvests that I'd sowed.

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